Back by popular demand! We have another medicinal mushroom course coming up in March, in which we will learn to identify some native medicinal fungi and make double extraction tinctures. We also have the first cultivation course at the farm, where participants will learn about different approaches to growing mushrooms, inoculate some straw with Oyster spawn, and do some DIY lab work in a still air box (SAB)! We are thinking of running a weekend course in the summer so keep your eyes on the site for updates…
Recent Developments
The Cordy train continues! We have been busy building, moving things around, wiring things in, and generally tinkering away to expand our production capacity to keep up with demand for our organic certified Cordyceps.
As always, the farm abounds in experiments – how can we grow better… What is the correct mix of substrate? How far can we expand the cultures? How long does our sterilization cycle need to be? How much light do the Cordys like? How do we iron out this little problem… that little problem? Mushroom cultivation is a fairly new industry in the UK and Cordyceps cultivation in particular, so we are forever toying with the never ending variables involved in growing mushrooms to figure out the best way of doing things.
Markets and Events
We continue to have our weekly spot at the Whiteladies Road farmers market in Bristol, a lovely little market with a great variety of other food producers and stall holders and a fantastic place to engage in some swaps! (one of the best things about having a stall at a farmers market). In the summer we plan to branch out and explore some other markets, food and music festivals…